About Us

What Is seaesalt About?

We are a community of people who, through yoga, surfing and the ocean, seek and experience a healthier lifestyle.

Through yoga, surfing, outdoor experiences and good nutrition, we become more tolerant in dealing with the daily challenges of everyday life.

We feel more connected with nature through this lifestyle… as they are practices that are only possible to be practiced when we are connected in every movement, breath and thought… It would be like an active meditation for those who have already mastered this practice.

But make no mistake, in all these practices it is also possible to be there just physically, but it will not be as easy and much less will you have all the benefits that you could.

So we already know why we fall in love with the ocean, surf, yoga and others… The reason for that unresponsive post-practice inner peace, we just came out of an active meditation, where we were there connected with ourselves, silencing our worries, allowing us to feel one thing at a time, because otherwise we wouldn’t stay there for more than 15 minutes…

We’re here to share it with you and help you find that everyday way to connect.

Rosana Tavares


Athlete Vaa’a for 10 years, yoga teacher and practitioner, decided to leave the world of competitions for a few seasons in 2019 to dedicate herself more to the philosophy of yoga and surfing on the other side of the Atlantic, in Ericeira in Lisbon.


During the pandemic, she decided to take her project off the ground, giving birth to the seaesalt after 6 years of gestation, and through it bringing and sharing the paths she found to her personal overcoming 13 years ago.


Today, after 400 hours of yoga training, 200 of which in vinyasa yoga and 200 hours in rocket yoga, Rosana teaches different styles of yoga online and in person. She organizes workshops and retreats aimed at those who want to adhere to a healthier lifestyle.